Submitted by David E. Geiger, MEE, PE (Ret.)

We advocated and Congress acted.

Thrilled to announce that Congress passed legislation yesterday authorizing a national study of the costs of serious mental illness to both governments and families that stem from homelessness; medical care, incarceration and other criminal-justice system encounters; loss of employment; and caregiving. 

The schizophrenia community has unfairly shouldered many of these significant costs for decades. The new study will provide the critical data we need to improve funding and services for people living with schizophrenia and other serious brain diseases.

Our “Societal Costs of Schizophrenia and Related Disorders” analysis helped drive this legislation. We’re proud of the role we played in this success, but it’s just the beginning.

There is much more work to be done, but we have laid a solid foundation and we’re energized for the coming year. You can power our work:

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Reviewer comment for In the Matter of Edwin Potter

“By the end of the book, I was left with an appreciation of the strength and resilience of human beings who suffer greatly and fight to come out the other side.”

–Phillip Hinton, 5/5 stars on Goodreads



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